More responsibilities

Starting October, I’ll be working officially as a junior resident at the hospital. That means that I get entrusted with duties just like other residents. Until now (for the last 2 months), it was the intensive training bit. This means that, I would get lesser number of duties per week. But those I take would be much busier.

Another great news; starting tomorrow, new interns will join the college. This means that residents can concentrate more on their actual work without doing too much of clerical and investigational work.

Damn my tummy

It has been three weeks since I jogged in the morning. The workouts are becoming rarer and rarer. Now, it is showing. I think I’m gaining in abdominal fat. I’m not becoming over conscious about it as some people might think.

I think it is high time that I get rid of the idea that I should jog at a particular time every day. Instead, I’m going to try and jog at the time I get to be free.

Da Vinci Code

This Sunday, our local regional newspaper (which claims to be the biggest selling regional newspaper in the whole of the nation), published an article about gays and awareness in it’s Sunday magazine. It took three days to find the article. But when I found it, it was exciting. I was happy about the fact that homosexuality was given importance in the main-stream press.

During dinner yesterday, I showed Ray this article. Instead of being excited, he said that it was good. That is because he has seen a lot of similar articles in many of the regional weekly magazines about such topics.

Soon we were discussing about this new book by Dan Brown – The Da Vinci Code. Ray said he has read plenty of interesting reviews and wants to read it. That got me interested as well.

On my recent tour, I had a splendid opportunity to get this book cheap. But then, I didn’t know that it was big!


I don’t know about other gays, but I’m aroused by good looking breasts. Is that an indication that I’m more bisexual than I thought I was? Whenever I watch straight porn, the thing that I look forward to watching is men handling the breasts of the woman.

During my adolescence (when I was totally straight-acting), I used to watch for this aspect only. Since coming out, I have had more of a freedom to express myself and my sexual preferences. But yesterday, I had a mini hard-on while watching a hot woman with a skimpy, thin, wet blouse.

This is happening after a long time!

A family evening?

Strange things do happen like what happened today. I was on duty at the hospital and I had this cold/viral fever prodrome. I asked for permission to get back home to take some rest. Normally, this would mean terror for me.

  • I would be missing out on some hospital-time [read feel-good-time].
  • Then because of the cold, the day would be dull.
  • I would have needed to spend the time with my parents.

But it was totally different. After taking a short nap, I was feeling much better. To make up for the total loss of the day (in terms of academics) yesterday because of the argument bit, I studied well for some time.

Then came the event of the month – I watched a movie on Television with my mother while ironing my clothes!!! Three solid reasons why this is special.

  • I can’t usually watch movies on TV at home unless my parents are on tour.
  • I haven’t watched a movie with my mother in about 10 years.

  • In my whole life, I have never done so much of ironing.

  • And like in the sit-coms, I was actually doing chores while watching television and enjoying it!

Wow, after years and years, I had an evening with my parents!

Argument of the day

Today was an odd day in many aspects. First of all, I realized once more that each and every resident working with me was a lazybum. Then I spent a lot of time with a few patients talking about their problems and giving them solid medical advice. Besides, I had strong doubts about my own integrity as a morally correct doctor; one of the patients who I was talking to was a sort of attractive man in his 40s. Anyway, Orthopedic surgeons are not supposed to be the talking-kind among doctors. Therefore, I was rather unusually pleased at what I had achieved.

Then came a whole afternoon and evening which I could spend the way I wanted. Of course, there was this cricket match on TV that I longed to watch. I had plans to sleep, to iron clothes, to read some books, to write songs and to study. To be honest, I know that I tend to overdo my planning always and always end up not doing the stuff that I had planned.

But today was different. I didn’t even do a single thing that I had planned. Well, I managed to make some music for one of my upcoming metal songs! But that’s about it. All throughout afternoon and night, I spent jamming and talking and arguing with my friend S. I took the guitar gear downstairs and tried to watch the match while jamming. Therefore I lost out on the first half of the match.

During the second half of the match, we were jamming with the drums upstairs. Then, even later into the evening we ended up arguing about an apparently simple topic – How to classify a song to categories such as Pop, Rock, Ballad, Alternative etc.

It actually started out when we were trying to jam one my own songs. My friend S. said that it was like a poppisy, ballad kind of a song. Something like Michael Learns to Rock or Backstreet Boys. Of course, I firmly believe, still, that it is much better than that. I believed that it was more like a Alternative, melodic rock kind of a song.

Now, I classify my songs based on the melody, chord progressions and the rhythm/timing used in the song. But my friend said he classifies the songs by the gut feel. He said that an grunge song by a band sung by a different singer with acoustic instruments can be re-classified as a ballad. Well, actually what he said was this; Change ‘band’ from the last line with ‘Peal Jam’, ‘song’ to ‘”Alive”‘ and ‘different singer’ to ‘Christina Auguilera’.

I said that the PJ classic ‘Alive’ wouldn’t change it’s genre even if it was sung my Christina Aguilera with Piano on the accompaniment! I still believe that it is true.

My friend actually was quite pissed by my tenacity in arguing. He was quite visibly tired and would need a couple of Intravenous infusions comprising of Amino Acids and Lipids to get back in shape to face another day.

But the question of the day is – Can a song’s genre change if you change the instruments and singer while still keeping all the melody and arrangements?


After a rigorous couple of days at work, I managed to nap for about 3 and a half hours yesterday.

It seemed like the time went past flying by. It seemed more like a few weeks had passed. I had finally got to make out with the neighbor who I have been eyeing for over 10 years now. And it was pure bliss. To add to it, he introduced me to another olderman in the neighborhood interested in gay sex. The second guy was almost as old as my father.

In bed, the second olderman confessed to me that my father was gay as well! Finally… and I mean finally, I found a reason to argue with my family about my sexual orientation.

Then [DAMN], I woke up. First I felt so happy about the things that had happened in the past few weeks. Then I realized that it was all a dream. I was back to the world where being gay was still disapproved.

When I was trying to figure out why I had such a dream, two reasons sprang up. One was the fact that I was sleep-deprived to start with. It really seems that, for me at least, being deprived of sleep is my nitro for libido.

The other reason might be because of the fact that in the morning, I was able to spent 158 seconds standing next to one of the hottest professors in the hospital. This guy is built like a daddy of dreams. Amazing forearms, well built with a little bit of a tummy. Absolutely hairy and is very good at his job. He was hot, hot, hot!

Lame joke of the day

I rarely make a fuss about jokes. But this following one is pretty lame.

An old priest was getting sick and tired of all the people in his

parish who kept confessing adultery. One Sunday in the pulpit he said,

“If I hear one more person confess to adultery, I’ll quit!”

Everyone liked him, so the parishioners came up with a code word.

Someone who had committed adultery would say they had “fallen”.

This seemed to satisfy the old priest and things went well, until the

priest died at a ripe old age.

About a week later, the new priest visited the Mayor of the town and

seemed very concerned.

The priest said, “You have to do something about the sidewalks in town.

When people come into the confessional, they keep talking about having


The Mayor started to laugh, realizing that no one had told the new

priest about the code word.

The priest shook an accusing finger at the mayor and said, “I don’t

know what you’re laughing about. Your wife fell three times this week.”

Don’t you agree?

Back in town

Two days have passed since I’ve been back from my tour. Both of the days have been busy. Yesterday, I watched two movies. TROY was easily the better with a lot of hot hot older men. I and Ray were ooohing throughout the movie. Brian Cox was superb! Actually, all the actors did ver well.

During my tour, I had a wonderful pub experience. It was just a small pub. But the lights, atmosphere and particularly the music – They played Nirvanan and Metallica loud and heavy over JBL speakers was awesome. I went there with my friend J. and a couple of his friends. Totally enjoyed it.

White wine is wonderful

Today is the first time in my whole life that I contemplated a life with alcoholic beverages. I drank a couple of mouthfuls of white wine brought by my friend. It was wonderful although I felt it could use some more sweetening. And it felt wonderful.

Apart from that, I had a great day with a lot of non-patient SilverDaddies to eye. Somehow, I was feeling wonderful through out. Mind you, the wine bit was only late in the night. So something is going right for me.

Maybe it’s something to do with professional satisfaction of being recognised as a sincere workaholic person. Maybe it is with the quality time that I spent with Chuck and Ray in the past few days. Maybe it is the quality of photos that seem to be served in the various Mature Men e-groups that I subscribe. Maybe it is the quality of SilverDaddies from real life. I don’t want to really find out what in fear of losing the happiness.

I’m going on tour with Chuck who is visiting his brother. I’m visiting my most recently found bisexual friend J. It looks like a splending weekend ahead.