Not drowned yet

6 days after the disaster, it struck me that I have not yet announced
my survival after the Rainy-Drainy flash-floods in Mumbai.

Well, my hospital’s ground floor was under about a feet of water and
Tuesday, the 26th of July. I had emergency on that day and our OT was
also under 4 inches of water. Since then, things have improved. But
majority of life in Mumbai is still at halt due to this even one week
after the worst of the showers. My dental appointments have cancelled
and we can’t travel anywhere.

Otherwise, I’ve entered 2nd post status. This is the heaviest of all
posts. This means that lesser time to sleep, eat etc. I’m okay until
now. Let’s see how I fare in this toughest part of my residency.

Xander’s new songs

In this total mess with all the rain lashing the city, Xander made it to a getaway tour from his firm to a nearby resort. Apart from all the booze and girls who he managed to impress with his guitar and voice, he got some free time and inspiration to write new material. He wrote a couple of songs. I got a chance to listen to them over the weekend when I visited him. Both sound awesome! At least to me.

We actually jammed them both and made some riffs and stuff. I have got the basics recorded on my Zen Micro! I’m very happy!

I don’t know if it is okay

One of the biggest problems I face when I sit in the OPD is to stay
awake. Days and days of asomnia add up and cause sleep attacks. To
avoid this, I have two good ways. One is the traditional dose of
caffeine. Hot chocolate from the vending machine at the hospital
across the road is awesome. The other is pretty deviant and may be
looked down on. I pick up hot men from the list of patients pending
for examination and do their phsicals. I don’t do anything out of the
way. But I don’t know if this is alright. Someone please coment.
Faustus, if you still read this blog, ask about this to your spouse.

New problems

The problem with me is that most of my contacts find me interesting not because of me but my skills. That is, computers, guitars etc. I don’t think that is okay. Take a look what happened.

About a couple of week’s back, my professor, one of the meanest filthiest men on the surface of earth, needed some help with his pompuous website. Since his right-hand man was on leave, my registar posted me for that duty. As I’m a bit of a pro in this, I did it easily. Since then the word has spread and I have had multiple requests to do all sort of computer things at hospital.

Now, I thought that was cool. But later, my registrar warned me that I should act like a total computer moron iin front of the professor because he’ll make me do all kinds of shit work in my 3 years course if I did.

I’m nauseous at the thought of it!

‘Unwanted’ live

My registrar, the senior who I work under came to my room yesterday. He wanted to listen to me play the guitar. I played and sang ‘Unwanted’; my best song. And he said he loved it. I don’t think he was lying. Well, I don’t know what to say or how to react. Right now I’m very happy.

Fantastic Four at Inox

Last weekend, I lived the life I want to live. Yes! In Mumbai, I enjoyed prime time mutiplex movie and the experience was enthralling. We as a group (from the unit in the hospital) went for ‘Fantastic Four’. It was awesome. The movie itself was about 3 and 1/2 stars. Especially the action sequences.

What can I say? The ambience, the popcorn, the plush seating, the feeling of good sound system with a good movie… everything was perfect. This is why life in Mumbai is cool!

Routines screwed up

The already screwed routines are screwed even further. Nowadays, I’m getting to go to room to sleep by around 3 AM. That would mean that I would get up very late. That would mean no shower/shit.

To prevent complications due to either, I’ve decided to do both before I go to sleep. That way, I get free access to the toilets and showers when no one else’s awake. I get to read the newspapers of the past few days while sitting for shit.

What do you think?

Ray and Lion

Ray and Mr. Lion had sex yesterday evening. Ray gave me an SMS
before and after. It turns out that my suspicion of Mr. Lion losing
weight was spot on. They had plenty of fun. I’m missing Mr. Lion!

Awfully slow and other blah

For sometime, I have been wanting to put in a lot of miscellaneous crap on this blog for sometime. Especially after I read this article If these words were people, I would embrace their genocide. at Maddox – the best page in the universe

  • The lack of sleep is severely impairing me. I am terribly slow in my work. Even while my sleep saturation levels are fulfilled, I’m pretty detailed and slow. But right now I’m pathetic I guess. That is proving to be a vicious circle thing. I need to take a break.
  • Xander is in Dubai right now and I need to visit the apartment. It has been over a week since he left and I haven’t got time to check it out. I’m hoping to do that tonight.
  • >Oh, and I lost my retainer braces last week. Now I have to get it re-made.
  • A great positive thing to end this blog is to announce that May is in town. I talked to her yesterday night. She might drop in some time. How I would love to see her and spend some time having fun with her!
  • Another positive thing to happen is the fact that I’m going to get a thesis topic as early as the third month of my course. I’ve been luck to get a great registrar and I’m very thrilled about. Imagine my name in a big time Science article in the next few years?
  • And I managed to meet one of my new-found gay friends in mumbai. The surgeon who I hung out with at the gay party a couple of months back dropped by the hospital yesterday. He had some official work to do. I managed to squeeze out some time to meet him. It was fun.
  • I missed a great opportunity to get some kittens in my room. A she-cat was in my room about the day before she was due. Finally she found a place by the side of the staircase.
  • My eating habits is making my waistline bulge. Or so I think. I’m really scared.

Leg cramps

I have had the toughest week this last week. I think I’ve already moaned about it. It has been about 9 days since I had a nice 5 hour sleep. I have cramps in my legs when I get up prematurely from sleep. I was surprised when I learnt that this is a very common symptom of those who don’t get their adequate sleep.