I hate it

Look, because of my lack of sleep as well as the tiredness which sets in after doing something whch doesn’t go with the rest of myself (mobilizing the BMC servants to do something on the wards), I left a couple of jobs for the next day despite being ordered to do it that come whatever may.

I got fired for that. I’m very upset with that. They are calling me inefficient. They are alleging me that I’m not interested in work and I don’t put my heart in this enough. I don’t want such things to happen. I hate that.

To drown all the miseries, one of the lovely sisters in our wards brought me and another houseman fish, fish and more fish. Lovely meal! The only problem is that she’s leaving the ward to go to work in another ward. During the meal, I had a good conversation with this houseman who had lucid clear thoughts and opinions on my situation. That was sort of unexpected.

What a surprise!

Wow! Having had a depressing day, I would haven’t expected this for a surprise. I Rock XX is going to happen this weekend. In two fucken days! Can you believe that. Now I will have to work out my permissions again. But I don’t think that I’ll have too much of a problem because everyone knows how I love that.

Hurting questions

I really hate when people sort of drive in facts that you wish were not true. Especially if it with me. I was sleepy throughout the theatre today. Two of my seniors kept of commenting about my appartent disinterest in Orthopaedics and the fact that if I’m not assisting properly in the surgeries.

How I wish I could explain to them that it was because I was unable to sleep properly and the fact that I needed sleep. But that doesn’t work out guys!

In the evening, I managed to drown my miseries while listening to the radio. Yeah, it works for a bit.


As I told you guys, I was very sleepy yesterday at the emergency. I had to take a nap and I got a 2 hour solid period. I felt thoroughly refreshed after that. Then came the next best thing. I took time out to read paper and shower during the morning hours. This is the first time that I’m doing any such thing between the time period of 9 AM and 5 PM.

All this while the other people were waiting for the grand rounds to happen. That never happens dear reader in the unit that I’m working. Besides, I had a reason to go back to the room.

It must have been the nap which I took in the night. I was fresh throughout the day and I finished most of my stuff early enough in hope of sleeping early. But as usual, something turned up in the night and I had to sleep in the ward for about 4 hours.

Another sleepy emergency

I don’t know how I ending fucked up each and every emergency. Today as well, I’m feeling sleepy all throughout. That’s because I’m not sleeping early enough on pre-emergency days. See this is were time management in my life gives up. I shouldn’t have eaten out you might say. Yeah, alright. But then, don’t I deserve something good once in awhile.

Fit for surgery

Yesterday evening, after I had returned from my escapade of sorts, I reached my ward where my blood tests had arrived. And guess what! I was very very fit for surgery. I had enough blood in my body to survive two major orthopaedic surgeries!

Along with that, I awaited reports of the rest of the reports including my seropositivity status.

Another good thing happened yesterday night. I and my co-houseman went to a famous Marvadi resturant chain in South Mumbai. I can’t recall their name. No, I get it now. BCTC – Bhagatchand Tarachand! But we had a great time there eating buttered up chappathis and curries. To top things off, we had two pints of buttermilk. Lovely evening!

Blood tests

Today, I’m undergoing blood tests. Routine tests and some special tests for arthritis. After that, I came out on my ‘Dentist visits’. I activated National roaming as I can’t believe that in less that two weeks, I’m going home on vacation.

Listening and Learning

I cleaned up my room after I came from Xanders. Then I went to the ward. Was very happy. Another reason to cheer was that the news of my ‘girlfriend’ being in Mumbai was spreading. Everyone was asking me. I was happy to play happy. That sure relieves some pressure of me.

In the night, I spent some nice time reading to Orthopaedic theory (whoa, after a long long time) while listening to Incubus, System of a Down etc on Zen Micro. By the way, it has an excellent Album of the day function. Why did I venture out to do that? Because my guide in my MS course wanted me to start that.

Sunday Morning Call

Yesterday nights events, along with the fact that I didn’t sleep okay forced me to ask for permission for half-day off on a Sunday. Actually, it isn’t much of a problem taking this. The morning rounds, where nothing happens is a half an hour issue. I asked my co-resident to cover up for me.

After doing that, I slept. Xander and me got about 1 AM. After that, Xander, who didn’t remember anything from the night, started playing some metallica riff. I was finishing up on sorting my mp3 player collection.

Then we spent some time jamming some metallica. Again it sounded great. As I was leaving, I told him about what had happened to me over the week. I also told him how hurt I was when he said those mean things when he got drunk. He was surprised and sorry to hear that.

But does that solve the problem? No it doesn’t. I want him to stop drinking at least when I am there to jam. I have told him clearly that. I hope he thinks long and hard about it and does something about it.

Why the title? Because I, after a long time, have access to Oasis thru my Zen Micro – Sunday Morning Call is one of Oasis’ songs.

At Xanders

Even as I was leaving for Xanders, I was feeling extremely happy and contended. I couldn’t explain why. Maybe it was the fact that I was going home to jam. Maybe it was because I could get my Zen Micro back to working.

We did both of that. But Xander was drinking Rum. Before he got high enough to lose all senses we played some amazing sounding music. My Bass and the Baby Bass amplifier are making sounds worth millions these days. I was uploading music at the same time.

At about 3 AM, we started having dinner. Soon after that Xander lost it and started bitching about me. He said that I was selfish and I didn’t want to practice. That’s the reason why I didn’t turn up for three weeks. This went on until he started his weird gesturing/acting dumb thing. I guess that it is the culmination of his ‘high’. He started interrupting me playing my bass by tuning the guitar out. I lost my patience and I said that I don’t want to talk to him.

Soon after, he slept of. I continued uploading songs.

Going to Alex’s apartment
Feeling happy despite being shitty
uploading music to micro
Playing some lovely music
Alex and me when he’s drunk