Life in the 3G world

Today, my friend Jerry messaged me saying that he was working on developing 3G software for Nokia 6630. He asked me if I have access to 3G stuff here. I honestly didn’t know and I admitted that I didn’t. Whatever 3G actually means, but I love mobile technology. Look at what I’m doing now. After a tiring day, I’m at the toilet reading newspapers while browsing gay porn, blogging and listening to mp3s. Here

My reg is a he – bitch

I hate the way things are shaping up in the hospital these days. That’s just because of my registrar. He’s alp from down south but he’s bitchy to say the least. Somehow, he’s very tense always and he lets his tension out on me and my co-houseman. I hate him.

Washing up with a bear

These two posts are actually re-posts of earlier ones which did not come out good the first time. Some glitch with the Opera browser I guess. Coming to the point. The title might mean a lot to gay men. Me and a bear in a tub. Ooh la la la… In actuality, I wash assisting my Nu Professor for the first time in a major case. He’s a true bear. And almost handsome. He has nice hands and feet and his voice, though not husky, is sexy cool. Let’s just say that I was in some erotic dreamland during the whole surgery. Ha ha.

Bird neck

I’ve this super cool lecturer in the hospital who’s knowledgeable and respected. He’s too good surgically. He’s fit and has a muscular body. The only couple of problems being his arrogance and his bird like appearance from neck up. That’s okay you say. Well it ain’t is what Kris says. After all it is all what matters – from the neck up.

Shag when the time comes

In my hospital lingo, shag means to struggle with something. But the regular meaning still has it’s use for me. I actually shagged in OT time. Whoa, and that too a quickie! I don’t know what the stimulus was. But I have a suspicion that it had something to do with the lack of sleep these days.


I don’t know if there is a word called ‘ZONK’. I (We) use it to represent a state of indisposition when you don’t expect the condition to improve soon. Usually we tend to associate this word with elderly patients who have big time problems when it comes to fitness for surgery. But right now, I’m using it for myself. I’m zonked. I am very sleepy and I’m very tired. And I’m getting scolding for everything I do (and I don’t).

The lost son

For four days, my mobile phone was off. I couldn’t find time to go out and get a new battery. During this time, I didn’t even get time to tell my family and friends about this. The whole thing got so blown up and my sister called Xander up to enquire about me. Naturally, Xander had no clue either. Finally, he called me up on my ward and let me know about the fact that everyone is worried. Today, I called up folks and told them about the my status. They are okay. I’m okay as well. I’ll have to get a new battery for my phone anyway!

New mobile phone plans`

I know that I can easily restore primitive mobile functions by buying a new battery for my mobile. But I want to buy a new one. Something with which I can browse the internet and stuff. I think I’m a crazy guy. Or else, how would you reason with me on this decision. Remember that I don’t have too much of cash and I lost my wallet the other day.