The Marine

Xander’s brother is visiting him and his relatives over this weekend. Xander so had left for his uncle’s place to visit him. That meant that we three (me, E-boi and Parry) were left to hang-out/ jam.

E-boi had his salary in his account and on a Saturday evening, we didn’t want to hang out just at the apartment. We wanted to watch a movie. There were just two left which were worth watching; or so we thought.

‘The Marine’ was the choice. I was hoping for some good old hunky action from a respectable WWE superstar John Cena. We went to the poshest of all multiplexes for the priciest of all tickets.

Yes, it was the most boring of all movies we had seen in the past year or so. I slept for most of the first half.

Torn Jean

Today something crazy happened. Something that shouldn’t have happened. Something which is due to the fact that for a doctor, I dress funny. I wear Jeans and T-shirt under my lab-coat as a daily routine for rounds etc.

Today, I was wearing my lovely fit Levi’s L530 dark blue, faded boot-cut jean with a T-shirt. The boot-section had been torn because of chronic usage.

My porfessoo picked at me for that. I was embarasssed though. But can’t help it. I should suffer for my lack of integrity!

Ray’s cruisades

This month has been a great one for Ray and his cruisades. Every time we talk, he has an experience to share with. At buses, at movie stalls and parks where not. If I’m not mistaken, he has had at least 7 or 8 separate cruising acts! Holy shit! I’m ashamed of myself! I can’t even find time or space for one.

I couldn’t help but divulge this amazing fact to Xander and E-boi. If I haven’t posted it already, both have had gays attmept ‘cruising’ at them. They hate gays for that. And when I tried explaining to them that it is hard to restrict ourselves to our shell as we are also temptable humans wanting to have sex, they said… don’t do it Kris… we don’t expect a dignified, respectable (doctor) doing such stuff.

I don’t know what to say.

The ‘3’ factor

After I gifted myself a new Nokia Handfree set and a card reader, my life has been much richer. I’m listening to a lot of new songs and have been totally inspired by them. The Common Factor in all these bands is the number ‘3’ These are the ones.

  • From Yesterday – 30 Seconds to Mars: From the guitar filled intro which sounds strikingly similar to the U2 Classic ‘Where the Streets Have No Name’, to the amazing angry melody of the chorus, I feel the songs is a master-piece from this new band. I have watched both the videos on You Tube. I’ll post both of them for your pleasure. 30STM have a future in Modern Rock.
  • Pain by the Three Days Grace (3 Days Grace): Long live Canadian Music! Long after Bryan Adams and his hits trespassed by adolescence, Canada still has its share of amazing bands which continue to inspire. Nickelback, Our Lady Peace and more recently, the amazingly heavy-riffy, catchy and tight Three Days Grace. This song, the first time I listened to it on BOB (WorldSpace), I picked up the band about 12 seconds into the song. But I didn’t like the song at first. But this week, I am loving it. I want to play all the songs of Three Days Grace like ‘Animal That I’ve Become’, ‘Just Like You’.
  • Hows it Gonna Be and Deep Inside of You by the Third Eye Blind (3rd Eye Blind): Both the songs are about 10 years old. But still, amazing chord/melody/melancholy makes me wanna moan – Hows It Gonna Be when we’ll make such songs.

The Hills Have Eyes

Again a good movie. 3 stars almost. If you are going to watch it, be prepared for a lot of dirty, bloody scenes. The most important facet of the movie is the amazing concept of radioactive fallout induced mutation who have been cannibalistic.

But, the gay-adult-male in me raised it’s ugly head during the parts of the movie with Ted Levine in it. Oh fuck! How cute is he. I have collected about 10 photographs of him.

Apparently he acts in authoritative roles – like Police Officer etc!

Wooof! Woof! Droolz! I want him! Right now!

The Namesake

The morning was as usual as a pre-emergency day could be. Rounds, stupid office work for my seniors and stuff like that. But despite all that, I left the wards happy feeling that I was doing a job which was being appreciated by everyone in the ward.

I was not decided on what to do in the afternoon as I didn’t have any concrete plans. I hadn’t seen the newspaper for three days or so.

I came back to my room early afternoon to find my stupid idiotic room partners studying. That also meant that I couldn’t do anything that I wished to do like falling asleep listening to some music or learn some song on the guitar. I was deeply disappointed not to find today’s newspaper as well. I didn’t want to even ask my roomie whether he had seen it.

Instead, I looked up, and amazing website for movies in India. I found three movies worth watching. As usual, I chose a Double Bill. ‘The Namesake’ and ‘The Hills Have Eyes (Part 1)’ at the Metro Adlabs.

I rode downtown and reached well ahead of time. Last time I was in the theater to watch ‘300’, I had the strongest desire in my entire Mumbai life to cruise. Similarly, today I felt like calling Victor, my sef-estranged boyfriend. First I thought I would call him up before the first movie. But then I decided not to as it might cause confusion regarding watching this movie which I was dying to watch.

Instead, I took up a copy of today’s Times of India. With lots of cricket fodder to munch, I lazily went to the theatre to book my tickets for the double bill. I was surprised to find that The Namesake was running at the Ebony Lounge, the most expensive screen probably in the whole of Mumbai.

I decided to risk it. I paid 500 fucking rupees for the tickets and gingerly went up hoping it to be worthwhile. Inside the theatre I went through the phases once again whether to call Victor or not. I had been feeling bad that I had not returned his call about a couple of weeks back.

Times of India kept me to myself. I tried calling up my friends ‘T.’ my psychiatrist friend/shrink and Ray, but without luck.

At about 10 minutes to the show, I entered the Ebony Lounge. Whoa! What seats! Full recliners, with blankets and side trays/tables to keep your snacks! The screen was small but the sound was amazingly rich. And there were lights bright enough for me to recline and read the newspaper sipping coffee!

The bliss that I miss at the hostel (or home for that matter) was relived at half a grand! It was well worth it though.

Coming the the movie – I have to rate it 4 stars! Amazing acting. Amazing screenplay. And amazing direction. It’s about a Bengali family settling the the US of A and all the problem of the mixture-culture that results. You can read up about the movie on the internet. It is based on the book by Lahiri.

Tabu was simply breathtaking. I loved the cinematography and New York scenes.

Once again, I could relate a lot to this movie. Because of my desires to live in New York, because of my not-so-close relationship with my parents and finally, because the movie stresses the importance of books in life – Books helps you travel the world without moving and inch.

It has also inspired me to try and read the novel ‘The Overcoat’ the Nicholas Gogol, the Russian Writer.

I’ll write about the other movie in my next post.

Being popular

Today was another day assisting my professor in a relatively short spine surgery. After the tiring weekend, some respite I guess. After the theatre, I wanted to take some rest at the room. But because of my stupid roomie, I decided to stay in the ward.

This meant that more time with relatives and patients. Which I totally enjoy! Today I was on a roll altogether. Making all patients smile and laugh cracking jokes etc. Today, I was appreciated for it by the staff as well as the relatives of the patients.

Now, I’m loving the experience! Thank you my profession for making me feel so good!

Newspaper issues becomes inflammatory

I hate my life in my room after my roomie has moved in. There are so many things about him that is irritating. Ever since he had come, I have had problems reading to my newspaper; The Times of India. The delivery guy gets my copy everyday after 8 O’ Clock. On days when I have to leave even before, I might not even get to read it. Either him or his ‘friends/batchmates’ (all are SOBs) take my paper away, make a mess out of it and might not even care to keep it back.

I hate that. In fact I hate it when I don’t get a fresh copy of newspaper. I have a a slight obsession with that. But what’s wrong in expecting your newspaper, which you pay for, everyday?

Today, this issue went inflammatory (got the word of Greg Chappel’s dictionary after India’s shock first round exit from the World Cup of Cricket). After a tiring day which started at 7.45 AM, I came back home at around 12 AM (midnight) and didn’t find my newspaper. I asked my roomie if his ‘friend’ had taken it.

He was so pissed, he said ‘Kris, I don’t know where your newspaper is. I have not seen it. Why don’t you go tell him (his friend) about your problem. Why should I interefere.’.

Fucken I was so irritated I didn’t want to even shout. I got out of my room and went to watch some cricket on TV downstairs at the mess.

Double Emergency

After yesterday’s party, I should have had a difficult and therefore, depressing time at the hospital with a 24 hour shift at the emergency. Somehow, I managed to get just adequate sleep and managed all night without any sleep while doing/assisting 3 surgeries. I’m impressed with myself!