Rene 6/x

Rene wondered if his instincts were failing him. Ever since he met Jo, he had found himself staring at men more than he would at women, especially the younger ones.

He had told Jo that he suspected she was the reason.

‘No, darling. You have always had it in you,’ she said. ‘You just didn’t realize. Or you didn’t act on it.’

‘I can’t be the first man you have slept with. Even if I like to be called a “she,” I am like a man in bed. And that’s what you like,’ she stopped with a sigh.

‘You, Rene’, she continued, ‘like screwing men.’

That had turned him on and he had resumed his thrusts. On his way back home, to his wife and kids, he had thought of what Jo had said.

After his youthful days, when sex was just having fun regardless of who he was having it with, Rene had settled into being a ‘straight’ man. His wedding had seemingly cemented his status, and he only remembered having lusted after women like his wife. Maybe a somewhat younger, but still women.

And then one evening, on his way home, he’d run into Jo. She was trying her luck behind a series of parked long-distance trucks, looking for a driver to make out with.

She had teased him, ‘You, over there, yes you. Do you want some fun? I can make you squeal. Right behind his yellow truck.’

He had walked past trying to ignore him, and she had followed.

‘What, you look like a man who knows his way around women. Come show me.’

He turned around and smiled. He prided himself on being kind to everyone. And that’s when he saw Jo’s eyes and stopped. Something in them reminded me of his wife and the passion that was lost.

Rene followed Jo behind the truck and she had given him the best blowjob ever–that too, right beside screaming traffic, shielded by sacks of produce being shipped into the city.

The risk of being caught plus the pleasure of Jo’s masterful work was too tempting. He had made his special dish for the kids the next morning, and his wife had asked him if he had gotten a raise at work.

He responded, ‘No, just had a productive meeting with a client,’ wondering if she’d catch the innuendo at all, smiling at his wit.

‘Great,’ she had said. Then she simply walked across their crowded living and dining area and out the door, for another day of work.

In the evening, as he was making dinner, his children told him that they loved their lunches. His wife had not come back from work.

After dinner, he had told his children that he needed to meet a friend, and had left to meet Jo.

Two hours later, when he came back home, he found his wife snoring gently. He had crept into bed and gently spooned her. She briefly awakened and gave him a quizzical look, before going back to sleep.

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